Livon Liposomal R- Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is also known as the universal antioxidant and is one of the strongest antioxidants that can be found in every tissue in a healthy body. Referred to as the ‘universal antioxidant’, ALA is water-soluble (in your blood and the watery part inside your cells) and fat-soluble (found in the membrane of your cells), unlike other antioxidants which are one or the other.

In other words, alpha-lipoic acid offers full-body antioxidant support. Lipoic acid recycles other antioxidants once they are used up allowing you to get more mileage from the antioxidants that your body logically makes and from the ones you get from your diet. Alpha-Lipoic acid has also been shown to stimulate the production of glutathione, another important antioxidant. A little amount of lipoic is made naturally by your body. The rest of what you need must come from eating red meat, organ meats, and brewer’s yeast or also from dietary supplements. To Buy Livon Liposomal R-Alpha Lipoic Acid  several websites available in the market. 

Get the best Form of Lipoic Acid

Not all the lipoic acid id created equally sure you get the very best because you’re worth it. 

R Alpha Lipoic Acid form is the best lipoic form   

Basically it is found in 2 forms: the R alpha lipoic acid form, which is the form found in nature, or the S alpha lipoic acid form, which is often used in low-cost, synthetic preparations of lipoic acid. R-alpha lipoic acid is more bioavailable and biologically active than the S-alpha lipoic acid form. But, R-lipoic acid is exclusive to produce and often presents stability issues in manufacturing. This is why most lipoic supplements contain only the S form or a 50/50 mixture of S and R versions.

LivOn Labs’ only uses the greater R form of lipoic acid. Lypo Spheric lipoic acid is encapsulated in liposomes made from necessary phospholipids. These protect the lipoic acid molecule from ruin by your digestive juices.

Once taken, are transported directly into your lymphatic system and then into your bloodstream, and then into the cells. This powerful delivery system gives you the potential benefits of alpha-lipoic acid with every packet.

Directions for Use
As a supplement, take one packet 1 to 2 times per day, or as directed by a health care practitioner. For the best results, snip the notched end off the packet, squeeze into one or more ounces of your choice cool beverage, swirl and shoot it back. It will enter the bloodstream very fast if you take it on an empty stomach. Wait at least up to fifteen minutes before eating. It is absorbed slower if you have taken with food. Lypo Extract is one of the best providers of Livon Liposomal R-Alpha Lipoic acid supplements. For more information about the Alpha-lipoic acid visit website as well. 


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